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A branch briefing from the Scottish Local Government Committee


Issue No. 2 September 2005

Single Status Agreement

The Scottish Local Government Conference was held in Edinburgh City Chambers on the 9 September 2005, following a Job Evaluation Seminar held in the morning.

The main issue of the day was the implementation of the Single Status Agreement. In recent weeks the issue of back pay and the implementation of the Single Status Agreement has taken centre stage. The catalyst for this has been the protest action taken by members in Moray and Aberdeen City and the campaign being run by Action 4 Equality. Delegate after delegate at the Conference expressed their concerns and experiences in dealing with Councils regarding the implementation of Single Status.

There was a clear message to the organisation for the need for further information and support to Branches and the need to defend member's "terms and conditions" and to seek improved protection arrangements which are greater than the 3 years contained in the Agreement. In addition there is recognition from the members to address the question of Equal Pay. The legal department at headquarters have been asked to investigate what criteria exists for a trade dispute for the Scottish Executive regarding funding arrangements for Councils.

With regard to the draft the Scottish Joint Council circular, the negotiators were left with the clear message that unless the protection arrangements are improved, then UNISON will not be party to the advice or guidance.

A commitment was given to hold a Recall Seminar/Conference if required.


Following the UK Government's decision to withdraw its proposed amended regulations to the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales and to re-engage with the trade unions in new discussions, including commitments given under the Warwick Agreement, the Scottish Joint Council following a joint seminar held on 29 June 2005 in Glasgow City Chambers, agreed a 13 point statement that has now been issued as an SJC circular. Representatives from the TGWU, GMB and UNISON met with representatives of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency on 10 August 2005. The outcome of the meeting was that the SPPA would be willing to work with the Scottish Joint Council to develop a new Scottish Scheme within the parameters of the Treasury and ministerial responsibility within Scotland. This initiative has been welcomed by the Conference and dates have been proposed for the remainder of the year for further discussions with SPPA.

Pay 2006

The Scottish Local Government Conference at its meeting on 9 September 2005 approved consultation arrangements on the content, size, shape and length of a settlement for the next pay round, due on 1 April 2006. A timetable of key dates is set out below ~

29 August 2005

Steering Group to agree key information

September / October 2005

Consultation and agreement by the unions on size shape and content of claim to be presented.

27/28 October 2005

Annual meeting of the Scottish Joint Council. - Trade Unions lodge claim

December 2005.

Employers consultation period.

January/February/March 2006

Employers make an offer & Negotiations

March 2006

Target for reaching a Settlement

1 April 2006

Settlement Date


The recently formed Steering Group of the Scottish Joint Council has agreed to use economic and other relevant information for this year's pay negotiations and to form a Sub Group to look at a longer term pay policy and strategy for Scottish local government.

For further information please contact: Stephen Palmer, Organising Assistant, Douglas House, 60 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3UQ or Tel: 0131 226 0072
