Application for UNISON courses
Printo out and fill
in the form after this section or get a form from your Branch
Secretary or Branch Education Coordinator. Complete the form and
get it signed by the appropriate Branch officer and return without
delay but at least 28 days before the course begins.
Return to: Activist Education, 53 Shore Street,
Inverness IV1 1NF
For availability of places, additional copies
of the programme and general issues, please contact: Nancy Kelly
on 0845 355 0845
The opportunity to discuss additional information
about the programme, look at individual, branch training needs
or meet with branches where appropriate would be welcome.
Contact: Nancy Kelly on 0845 355 0845
What are the courses like?
Our courses are friendly and informal so you
are invited to dress for comfort. You don’t need any formal qualifications.
Our training is aimed to make learning a fun rather than a daunting
experience. Everyone’s views and experiences are heard.You will
work in small groups a lot of the time. You won’t be lectured
to or suddenly called on to give answers. There are no tests or
exams. On all courses there is a standard set of working together
guidelines. These include guidance on the avoidance of language
or behaviour that may be offensive. They are for the purpose of
ensuring everyone has a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Where are courses held?
Most of our non-residential courses are in UNISON
offices or public sector venues.Ourweekend residential courses
are usually in large city centre hotels. Single room accommodation
is usually provided, unless you request otherwise. If you are
travelling some distance to a nonresidential course your Branch
is responsible for booking your accommodation although we can
assist with suggestions.
Course Fees
UNISON training is free to all participants.
Your Branch pays a fee for the course and also pays your travel
and other expenses. Meals are provided. If you have special dietary
requirements please advise this on your application form.

Child and Dependent Care
If you require assistance it is important to advise us as soon
as possible and note it on your application form. It should be
possible to provide free crèche facilities on request particularly
for residential courses or tomake an allowance to assistwith additional
childcare costs to enable you to attend.

Facilities for Disabled Members
All of our venues have disabled access but as disabilities vary
greatly from individual to individual it is important you let
us know as soon as possible so that we can meet your needs whether
they are mobilityrelated or otherwise.

Time Off
We would strongly advise you to tell your manager now that you
are arranging to go on a course. Local procedures will be different
for making the request but your Branch can help with this.

Course Timings
Usually courses run from 9.30am till 4.30pm.
Weekend residential courses usually begin at 6pm on the Friday
and finish after lunch on the Sunday. You will be sent precise
details of the timings with your joining instructions.
Note to Branch Secretaries/Branch Education
For some courses, participants will be asked
to bring along materials or resources with them eg copies of grievance
or disciplinary procedures, contracts of employment etc. In the
letter to the participant confirming her/his place, we list any
materials she/he will need to bring to the course and ask her/him
to contact her/his Branch Secretary for assistance with finding
the materials.
Members who turn up to courses without the necessary
materials are put at a disadvantage, so we would be grateful if
you make every effort to ensure that requests for assistance from
your members attending courses are met. After training please
support activists to use their newly acquired skills.
