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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: Tue 13 July 2010

UNISON seeks meeting with Strathclyde Police over staff jobs freeze

UNISON Scotland, the largest union for police staff, has asked for a meeting with Strathclyde Police over the announcement today (Tue 13 July) of an immediate recruitment freeze.

Norma MacKenzie, Depute Branch Secretary of UNISON Strathclyde Police and Fire branch said:
"We have asked to meet management to discuss today's announcement of an immediate recruitment freeze. We know of course that public spending is under huge pressure, but we would ask Strathclyde Police to work with the trade unions to negotiate a way through this to maintain the high standard of service that the public needs.

"The profile of police officers is much higher with members of our communities, however it is police staff who perform the vital services which allow the officers to maintain that profile."


For Further Information Please Contact:
Gerry Crawley, Regional Organiser 07958 121 805 (m)
Malcolm Burns, Communications Officer 0141 342 2877 (o) 07958 063 182 (m)

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