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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Tuesday May 12 2009

Which Way to Equal Pay? - UNISON launches campaign

Click here for the Equal Pay Contact Point page and more information

UNISON Scotland is launching a campaign to highlight the consequences for workers who have been drawn to so-called "No Win No Fee" solicitors. In a national advertising campaign UNISON highlights the fact that the Court of Session recently awarded an interdict to prevent a prominent No Win No Fee firm pursuing an Edinburgh homecare worker for payment.

Cross & Co have recruited thousands of Scottish workers in their equal pay campaign, but a growing number of workers are now following Edinburgh carer Jacqueline Quinn and switching to the free legal service provided by UNISON. The Stefan Cross contract seeks to charge his clients if they change their mind and pursue their claim through their union. In Jacqueline Quinn’s case, the charge was £500 for every six months. However there was also provision for additional charges in the contract. These could require additional payment by Jacqueline Quinn if she continued to pursue her claim - even if Stefan Cross was no longer acting on her behalf.

A UNISON spokesperson said:
"We are delighted that the Court of Session has declared that Jacqueline Quinn’s contract with Stefan Cross is void. The interdict gives Jacqueline the peace of mind she was looking for. We can now get on with the business of fighting for equal pay for her and her UNISON colleagues. Our advertising campaign is very simple - we are keen to let other members know that UNISON believes that equivalent charges should be unenforceable. Where our members encounter problems similar to Jacqueline Quinn we will help them."


For Further Information Please Contact:
Peter Hunter (Regional Organiser) 07903 814 118 (m)
Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 07715 583 729 (m)
