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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: 18 April 2007

Replacing Trident could cost 3,000 jobs - UNISON

Matt Smith, Scottish Secretary of UNISON, Scotland's largest public service union today condemned the Government decision to replace Britain's Trident nuclear fleet and pointed to a recent report that demolishes the claims that failing to replace Trident would lead to job losses.

Matt Smith, speaking at the annual STUC Congress in Glasgow, said "The STUC and Scottish CND have put forward a detailed report* on replacing Trident. This has destroyed arguments about job loss should Trident not be replaced and in fact points to the job losses which will occur if it is replaced. "Trident replacement will be a high draw on the nation's finances. This is not funded from the Defence Budget but from general revenue expenditure. This cost is not met by building fewer warships or tanks. It is funded by providing fewer public services or in our welfare provision. Replacing Trident could put at risk up to 3,000 Scottish jobs.”

Matt went on the say that Trident is costly, unnecessary and unjustifiable but it is more than an argument about costs. "Even if Trident were delivered gift wrapped and free we should still reject it. " He said.

"How can it be right for the UK to not only retain a nuclear warfare system but also to replace it when we tell others that they must stay out of the arms race? Former UN Nuclear Weapons Inspector Hans Blicks has said ‘So long as any State has nuclear weapons other will want them, and so long as any such weapons remain there is risk that they will one day used by design or accident'

Matt called for campaigning to continue against replacing Trident, and for others to follow the lead of Scottish MPs a majority of whom voted to scrap the weapons.


Notes to the Editor: *A copy of the full report can be downloaded from STUC website http://www.stuc.org.uk or hard copies can be ordered from Scottish CND, 15 Barrland Street, Glasgow G41 1QH. (p&p £3.00 per copy).

For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 0845 355 0845(w) 07771 546 997(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)
