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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


16 May 2003

2-day nursery nurse strike action targets different areas

The strike action voted for by 5,000 nursery nurses will start with a two-day strike across most of Scotland a delegate meeting of UNISON branches heard today. In addition a boycott of additional duties that have been added to nursery nurse jobs since the last pay review 15 years ago, starts on the first day of action and will continue indefinitely.

The action will take place from 20 May, strikes being on Tuesday and Wednesday in parts of Scotland and Wednesday and Thursday in others.

"We will be varying the action that nursery nurses will be taking." Said Carol Ball, Chair of UNISONScotland's Nursery Nurses Working Party. "Whilst we will be boycotting extra duties across the country, we will be taking strike action at different times in different areas. This is to try and minimise the disruption to parents whilst maintaining the highest possible public profile of nursery nurses."

The campaign will start on 20 May with this rolling programme of action. Further local and Scotland-wide action is part of a report to the union's National Emergency Committee which meets on Monday.

The action will mean the closure of Scotland's nurseries and nursery schools on strike days, and disruption of the overall nursery service.

Angela Lynes, a UNISON NEC Member, says that parents have been very supportive, and recognise the responsibilities for this lie with employers. "Parents have been the mainstay of our public support, petition-signing etc. They know that we have tried for 18 months to get the Scottish employers to address this issue seriously We are sorry that we have to disrupt their nursery service in the short term. But we are sure that they recognise the justice in our members claim, and that a badly paid service will not deliver the quality education their children deserve."

There will be a march and rally for striking nursery nurses in Glasgow on Tuesday 20 May, Assembling at India Street at 11.00am and Marching to George Square for a rally at 12.15pm.



[Notes to the Editor - Planned areas of strike action (by local authority area)

Tuesday 20 May and Wednesday 21 May - East Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Inverclyde, Dumfries and Galloway, Glasgow City, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, East and West Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, Shetland and Orkney. On Wednesday they will be joined by colleagues in Edinburgh, East-, Mid- and West Lothian, Borders, Fife, Stirling, Falkirk, Perth & Kinross and Dundee. These branches will also be on strike on Thursday 22 May. Branches also striking on Wednesday 21 May alone will be Aberdeenshire, Angus, Argyll & Bute, Clackmannanshire, Highland, South Lanarkshire, Moray and the Western Isles.

Extra duties that will be boycotted include observation, recording assessment and evaluation processes, planning and development tasks, student training, all work outwith normal working hours, and all clerical, janitorial and cleaning tasks.]

For Further Information Please Contact:
Carol Ball (Chair-Nursery Nurse Working Party) - 0141-552 7069(o) 07803
Bill McAllister (Regional Officer - Local Govt) - 0845 355 0845(o)
Angela Lynes (Scottish NEC member) 0141-552 7069(o) 07979 522 606(m)
Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)

Nursery Nurse Campaign Pages
