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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


27 Feb 2003

NHS White Paper - Practical, Pragmatic, Principled

UNISON, Scotland's largest health union has today welcomed the launch of the Scottish Executive White Paper and have described it as "practical, pragmatic and principled".

Speaking at the launch in the Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh, Jim Devine, UNISON Scottish Organiser for Health said,

"This White Paper is the next step in the strategy to create a new healthcare system here in Scotland, a healthcare systems that is patient and client centred, but one that also appreciates the contribution of its staff.

"The Scottish Executive have recognised the mistakes that were made in the past when major reorganisation meant that the NHS took its eye off the ball and forgot about is main function, namely patient care.

"This policy paper is further evidence that here in Scotland we are ending the fragmentation of the Scottish Health Service.

"Devolution is about innovation not imitation.

"The Scottish Executive can be congratulated for producing a practical, pragmatic and principled policy document."

For Further information contact: Jim Devine, Scottish Organiser for Health (07876-441-239)
