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Wednesday 20 June - Business, Summaries and Results

Tue - Thur results from Conference Agenda Support System. Friday from Scotland Briefings Team

Composite A - Economy (CARRIED)
NEC to co-ordinate effective campaigns, with appropriate bodies, for: increased resources for national, regional and local bodies; reform of Regional Selective Assistance; Government commitment to full employment, ending of child and pensioner poverty; investment in public services; implementation of European measures on rights of workers; return to public ownership or rail, public utilities and de nationalised industries; halt to privatisations and PFI schemes
(Amendment A.1 LOST)

Composite C - Public Services (CARRIED)
Conference strongly re-affirmed its commitment to the public service campaign agreed in 2000 and resolved to campaign for Government to make certain public service commitments. NEC to pursue these through a comprehensive work programme outlined - to be delivered throughout the union and in partnership with other bodies. Also to review press, public relations and internal publications to emphasise the case for direct provision of public services. In particular to seek to establish a Commission on Social Need and Public Finances.
(Amendment C.1 LOST)

19. Best Value (CARRIED)
Concern was expressed at the policies of Government which attack the interests of UNISON members and the community. NEC called on to make clear its opposition through a national campaign against privatisation and for high quality, well funded public sector services

13. The General Election and the Next Government (CARRIED as amended by 13.1,13.2,13.3, 13,4, 13.5)
Conference agreed to call on the Government to deliver an agenda for change based on eleven (major) principles. An extensive programme for campaigning for these principles was also outlined e.g clear leadership; work through AFF; working through TUC etc; maintaining high profile; working with employers and Government' and supporting members who take official action in support of UNISON's priorities. Amendments added more evidence, detail of campaign and work with political funds and included the Positively Public Campaign and Charter.

138. TUC Millennial Challenge - Union Mergers (CARRIED)
NEC instructed to develop strategy to build on democratic, industrial unionism and to develop working relationships with sister unions as well as looking for possible mergers.

163. Branch Funding (CARRIED as amended by 163.2,163.6,163.8)
Conference approved the recommendations contained in the NEC Report. Amendments changed Section 9 a) to '2000'; Section F 15) addition of paragraph in relation to self-organisation; and Section G on the Regional Pool
(Amendments 163.4,163.5,163.7 LOST)
(Amendment 163.1 was REMITTED

148. Resource Allocation (CARRIED as amended by 148.1)
NEC to work to ensure that there is one set of work priorities for UNISON. related to effective organisation, with equalisation of resources and the setting of achievable targets for recruitment, organisation, representation and support for local bargaining. The Amendment welcomed the high priority accorded to branch development and added need for greater coverage of local negotiations in UNISON publications.

136. Organising Members Subject to Transfer (CARRIED as amended by 136.1)
NEC directed to ensure that branches/regions develop organising plans to ensure that members subject to transfer are supported throughout the process, and that all reasonable efforts are made to secure recognition with the new employer. Also to lobby for amendments to TUPE legislation and to trade union legislation on rights to time off.

Composite L - For a Nationally Co-ordinated Fightback Against PFI
Conference applauded the Dudley Group of Hospitals for its strike against the effects of PFI. NEC instructed to organise a national coordinated campaign against PFI, inc issuing campaigning materials; use of commissioned research; working with relevant bodies to make our case; support for official legal strike action where appropriate. Also a national day of action, including a Positively Public Rally and Lobby of Parliament.

The following motions were withdrawn:
Motions: 145, 170
Any amendments associated with withdrawn motions fell.
The following motions fell 16, 26, 27.
The following amendments were withdrawn: 131.1, 163.3
